What to do When my Printer Stop Responding to my Computer?
If you are here, then it surely means that you are facing the issue that your printer stops responding suddenly? Well don’t panic because we have mentioned some of the solutions you can follow to avoid this mishap in near future and disintegrate your work. No matter what’s the brand of the printer, these are very common issues and can take place anytime. Thus, it is important for you to know at least basic solutions. Now, without wasting your time let’s start 1. Check all the Printer Connections - The first thing you can do when your printer suddenly stops responding is you can check all the cables and USBs connection. In case of USB printer try to connect it via USB port, and if you have a Wi-Fi printer then you might need to check whether printer is properly connected to the correct network. 2. Update the Printer’s Device Driver - · You have to open the device manager...